G3 CEO Anthony Gaud will host the "Are Videogames the New National Pastime?" panel at this year's New York City Comicon.
The panel will be a discussion of whether video games and esports have become culturally more important in America than movies television toys and sports. Comparisons will be made with South Korea's esports culture.
Saturday, October 9, 2021 • 3:30PM - 4:30PM • Room 408
LIVE guests include:
Shawn Dennis, former EVP of Dreamworks and VP/CHief Marketing Officer of the NFL
Kevin Mowrer, former SVP Design & Development of Hasbro
Verta Maloney, co-founder and Chief Community Officer of GameHERS
Rob Johnson, CEO of Collegiate StarLeague, former Philadelphia Flyers executive
Pre-recorded guests include:
Tom Russo, former Editorial Director at G4TV
Ric Serritella, founder NFL Draft Bible / Content Manager for Sports Illustrated
Craig Leigh, Minecraft Design Director, Microsoft
Jimmy Kim, Co-founder of SparkLabs and former Nexon CFO
Official NYCCC link: https://www.newyorkcomiccon.com/en-us/explore/panels/panel-information.html?gtID=747864&panel-name=Are-Videogames-the-new-National-Pastime